Happy Flowers in my Backyard

Happy Flowers in my Backyard

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A query that needs advice

This weekend my serenity was added to by the addition of my husband and kids.  It was a lovely evening, filled with a fire in fireplace, music and s'mores along with many interesting topics of conversation.  I love that my kids are adults and that the conversations can swing to multiple topics usually simultaneously.  But this morning the serenity was interrupted by the instance of my kids that I am allowing my fear of moving water to infer with fun family time.  

Perhaps I am and perhaps I have allowed my fears to take hold, but I also have no real desire to kayak down the Delaware River on a day that is very sunny and in the 80s.  I know my limits, I know that just an hour in the sun without water reflection will cause me to burn and why should I get into a kayak going down a river when I don't swim very well and I burn at the drop of a hat?  

I am currently sitting on my porch enjoying the sunny day, writing my blog, reading my Kindle and listening to the waterfall.  In spite of what my family thinks I am very happy, very content and filled with inner peace with the day and looking forward to the evening.

Isn't that what counts or should I listen to my kids and find a way to over come the fear of kayaks, canoes and sailboats?  By the way, I do go in the ocean, have been on powerboats, ocean-liners and party boats as well as walking into and floating in the ocean.

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