Happy Flowers in my Backyard

Happy Flowers in my Backyard

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Passion vs Inner Peace

In the past couple of weeks since arriving in Barryville I have wondered about finding my passion and how to accomplish this endeavor, but as the heat of day worn on yesterday and I spent my time wondering at a local mall and seeing a movie I wondered if I was missing the point.

Maybe it's not "passion" I am searching for but inner peace.  Don't get me wrong - I am not tormented inside, but I wonder if I am truly joyful.

Last night I quietly ate my dinner on the screened-in porch watching the sunset, the waterfall slowly beginning to lose steam (no rain in the past week and half) and the lightening bugs filling the air outside and wondered if there was anything more beautiful?  This is the whole point of my being in a cabin by a waterfall for the next couple of months, but then the world intruded and serenity was disturbed by a horde of motorcycles passing at high speed in the front of my cabin a road that is well traveled during the day but usually quiet at night.

If I work at locating my inner peace and my serenity will it be possible to block out the "noise" of the world around me and maintain tranquility?

Near by Barryville is a Buddhist Meditation Center that offers instruction on finding inner peace.  I am wondering if it is something that can be taught or if it is something that must be found within.